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Registration Micro Service provides APIs to create different types of users in the program. These users are mainly categorized as Consumers also known as end users of the application Business users like merchant System users like Admin or service owners.

To help you get started with your integration, Cloud Payments provides a sample Postman collection that includes a template of all the Registration API endpoints. It also includes a sample environment file with the URL details.

Click the button below to download the collection and associated the environment file.

Self Registration

Self Registration

Interfaces like mobile applications or websites usually provide sign-in options for the consumers to register themselves.

Registration MS provides self-registration API for this purpose. API details are as below..

Method POST
Resource URL {reg_url}/user/selfregister
Response Formats application/json text/plain; charset=utf-8
Required Authentication No

Header Parameters

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
api-key {api-key}
tenantName {tenantName}

Sefl Registration Request


Request Parameters

Name Required Description Value/Range
firstName yes First name String
lastName Yes Last Name String
username Yes Username is alphanumeric. Phone number or email could also be used as username. String
password Yes Each program can have a password rules like minimum length, maximum length, number of characters, number of special characters etc String
timezoneFormatted Yes Joda-Time is the replacement for the Java date and time classes. http://www.joda.orgjoda-time/key_format.html.time zone_formatted is populated with the getTimeZones API, and is then used to populate the timezone and timezoneOffset columns on the back end, that are returned in the response. Must comply with:
preferredLanguage NO TODO String 2 char
userContact No Email Id or Mobile number String
contactType No Yes if user contact is passed String : EMAIL or MOBILE

Self Registration Response

"contactType":"EMAIL" }

Response Parameters

Name Description Value/Range
contextResponse Response context. tenantName
statusCode - See status codes
uuid Unique identifier for the person. Also knowned as person Id String GUID
firstName yes First name String
lastName Yes Last Name String
username Yes Username is alphanumeric. Phone number or email could also be used as username. String
password Yes Each program can have a password rules like minimum length, maximum length, number of characters, number of special characters etc String
timezoneFormatted Yes Joda-Time is the replacement for the Java date and time classes. http://www.joda.orgjoda-time/key_format.html.time zone_formatted is populated with the getTimeZones API, and is then used to populate the timezone and timezoneOffset columns on the back end, that are returned in the response. Must comply with:
userContact No Email Id or Mobile number String
contactType No Yes if user contact is passed String : EMAIL or MOBILE

Privilege User Registration

This API could be used to create all types of users.
Unlike self-registration, this API needs a valid authentication token. An existing system user or business user can access this API after getting valid token by calling auth API.

Few Rules :
User of type service owner can create another user of type service owner or company user.
Company users can create another company users or consumers.
Company users cannot create user of type service owner
Consumers cannot create any type of user. They can only self register themselves.

Method POST
Resource URL {reg_url}/user/registerPrivilegeUsers
Response Formats application/json text/plain; charset=utf-8
Required Authentication Yes

Header Parameters

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
api-key {api-key}
Authorization Bearer {access_token}
tenantName {tenantName}

Privilege User Registration Request



Request Parameters

Name Required Description Value/Range
firstName yes First name String
lastName Yes Last Name String
username Yes Username is alphanumeric. Phone number or email could also be used as username. String
password Yes Each program can have a password rules like minimum length, maximum length, number of characters, number of special characters etc String
timezoneFormatted Yes Joda-Time is the replacement for the Java date and time classes. http://www.joda.orgjoda-time/key_format.html.time zone_formatted is populated with the getTimeZones API, and is then used to populate the timezone and timezoneOffset columns on the back end, that are returned in the response. Must comply with:
entity id No Company id if user type is COMPANY_USER Integer
role Yes List of String List of roles for that user. Roles are program specific. Example CONSUMER, CASHIER_PURCHASES, ADMIN etc
isResetRequired NO : Default is false If set to true, the user is required to reset the password after logging in for the first time. boolean
userType Yes SUBSCRIBER for Consumer
COMPANY_USER for business user
SERVICE_OWNER for system user
preferredLanguage NO TODO String 2 char
userContact No Email Id or Mobile number String
contactType No Yes if user contact is passed String : EMAIL or MOBILE

Privilege User Registration Response

"contactType":"EMAIL" }

Response Parameters

Name Description Value/Range
contextResponse Response context. tenantName
statusCode - See status codes
uuid Unique identifier for the person. Also knowned as person Id String GUID
firstName yes First name String
lastName Yes Last Name String
username Yes Username is alphanumeric. Phone number or email could also be used as username. String
password Yes Each program can have a password rules like minimum length, maximum length, number of characters, number of special characters etc String
timezoneFormatted Yes Joda-Time is the replacement for the Java date and time classes. http://www.joda.orgjoda-time/key_format.html.time zone_formatted is populated with the getTimeZones API, and is then used to populate the timezone and timezoneOffset columns on the back end, that are returned in the response. Must comply with:
role Yes List of roles List of String
userContact No Email Id or Mobile number String
contactType No Yes if user contact is passed String : EMAIL or MOBILE

Update Person Status

Update person status API is used to update the status of the person including de-registering the person

Method POST
Resource URL {reg_url}/user/updatePersonStatus
Response Formats application/json text/plain; charset=utf-8
Required Authentication Yes

Header Parameters

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
api-key {api-key}
Authorization Bearer {access_token}
tenantName {tenantName}

Update Person Status Request

"reason":"de-register user"

Request Parameters

Name Required Description Value/Range
personId Yes UUID of the person. String
reason Yes Reason for the udpate. String

Update Person Status Response

"status":"X"} } }

Response Parameters

Name Description Value/Range
contextResponse Construction of the response tenantName
statusCode - See status codes
person UUID of the person String
status Status of the person String CREATED("C"), ACTIVE("A"), SUSPEND("S"), CLOSED("X"), DISABLE("D");

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