

Person object

Attribute Description
firstName User’s first name
lastName User’s last name
password Always null value returned to not reveal the value
personType Type of the user in the resource servers. Possible values are BOX_OWNER, COMPANY_USER, SUBSCRIBER, and SERVICE_OWNER.
status User’s status. Possible values are
- ACTIVE: User becomes active status after registration.
- INACTIVE: Administrator manually registered the user but has not updated status to ‘ACTIVE’.
- LOCKED: Account is locked after maximum login retry attempt is all exhausted. Or account is manually locked by the administrator.
lastLoginDatetime User’s last login date and time
loginAttempt The number of user’s login attempt failure. If user signed in successfully, the value will be 1.
lastPasswordUpdate User’s last password update date and time.
preferredLanguage Language code that the user prefers in the personal setting.
pin Always null value returned to not reveal the value
currentPassword Always null value returned to not reveal the value
newPassword Always null value returned to not reveal the value
needChangePassword Indicates if the user needs to change his/her password. Possible values are false or true.
True is returned if administrator manually registered user but the user is still ‘INACTIVE’ status.
createdDate User registered date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate User’s last update date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
timeZoneFormatted Timezone user selected. e.g. GMT,
username The value of credential used to sign in the service.
enabled Indicates if the user is active status. False is returned when user status is DISABLED or CLOSED. Otherwise, true is returned.
credentialNonExpired Indicates if the user’s signin credential is still valid. False is returned if the user has not changed his password for more than 90 days.
accountNonLocked Indicates if the user is active status. Possible values true or false. False is returned when user status is DISABLED or CLOSED.
PersonCredential List of person credential
PersonRoles List of person role assigned to the user
PersonContact List of the user’s contact information
Client Tenant that the user registered.

Client object

Attribute Description
name Name of tenant
description Description of tenant
defaultRole Add the first role automatically when the tenant is created.
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.

Person credential object

Attribute Description
credentialType Type of credential used to sign in the service. Possible values are USERNAME, EMAIL, and PHONENUMBER.
credential The value of credential used to sign in the service.
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.

Person roles object

Attribute Description
role Role object that assigned to the user
createdDated Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.

Role object

Attribute Description
name Name of the role. Possible values are
clientName Name of the tenant that the user registered.
description Role description
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
clientRoleEntitlements List of entitlements assigned to this role. ClientRoleEntitlements object
id Unique identifier of the role

ClientRole object

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier of the role
name Name of the role
clientName Name of tenant
description Role description
clientRoleEntitlements Entitlements assigned to this role. List<ClientRoleEntitlement>

ClientRoleEntitlement object

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier of the mapping of the role and entitlement
entitlement Detail of the entitlement. Entitlement object
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
authority scope of access

Entitlement object

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier of the entitlement
name Name of the entitlement
description Description
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.

Security questions object

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier of the security question
question Question
createdDate Date and time that the security question created.
lastUpdatedDate Last update date and time of the question

Security question answer object

Attribute Description
answer Answer of the question
securityQuestion Security question object
uuid Unique user ID used to register.

PersonAudit object

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier of the person audit record
auditCategory Category of the audit record. Possible values are API for general apis, ADMIN for admin apis, TOKEN for token apis and OTHER for others.
name Name of the API
auditAction Action of the audit request. Possible values are CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DLETE and WEBSERVICE.
uuid Unique user identifier who created this audit record
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
result Result of the request. If request is successful, Y is returned. Otherwise N is returned.
summary Description of the request
parameter Parameters in the request
data Response message when the request is successful
errorMessage Error message when the request is failed
clientIpAddress Client IP address found in the request.
httpLoggingId HTTP_LOGGING_ID found in the request
httpLogging Full http request message



Get my profile

Retrieve logged in user’s personal profile.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns person object.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "client": {
      "name": "JANUS",
      "description": "JANUS program",
      "defaultRole": null,
      "createdDate": 1548189217249,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189217249
    "firstName": "a",
    "lastName": "20190404",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "lastLoginDatetime": 1556154384352,
    "loginAttempt": 1,
    "lastPasswordUpdate": 1556154419870,
    "preferredLanguage": "EN",
    "needChangePassword": false,
    "remainingChangePasswordDate": 0,
    "createdDate": 1554397020490,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1556154420060,
    "timeZoneFormatted": "GMT",
    "personCredentials": [
        "credentialType": "USERNAME",
        "credential": "a20190404",
        "createdDate": 1554397020723,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1554397020723
    "personRoles": [
        "role": {
          "name": "CONSUMER",
          "clientName": "JANUS",
          "description": "Consumer role",
          "clientRoleEntitlements": null
        "createdDate": 1554397020822,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1554397020822
    "personContacts": [
        "contactType": "EMAIL",
        "contact": "",
        "createdDate": 1554397020624,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1554397020624
    "enabled": true,
    "username": "a20190404",
    "credentialsNonExpired": true,
    "accountNonLocked": true

Change my password

Logged in user changes his/her password by supplying current password for validation and new password.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
currentPassword String Required Current password
newPassword String Required New password

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"currentPassword": "Test1234!", "newPassword": "Test2345!"}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Change my PIN

Logged in user changes his/her PIN by supplying current PIN for validation and new PIN.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
currentPin String Required Current PIN
newPin String Required New PIN

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"currentPin":"026047","newPin":"1234"}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Get user security questions

Retrieves user security questions registered for the tenant. The security questions and user’s answers are used to validate user when he wants to reset PIN and password.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns list of user’s answered security questions. Answers are not returned.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": [
      "id": 264,
      "uuid": "a20190404",
      "securityQuestion": {
        "id": 2,
        "question": "What was the make and model of your first car?",
        "createdDate": 1549639014630,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014630
      "answer": null,
      "createdDate": 1556132079841,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1556146644539
      "id": 267,
      "uuid": "a20190404",
      "securityQuestion": {
        "id": 3,
        "question": "What was the name of your elementary / primary school?",
        "createdDate": 1549639014862,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014862
      "answer": null,
      "createdDate": 1556133141255,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1556133141255

Add user security answer

Logged in user adds his/her answers for security questions in the server. The security questions and user’s answers are used to validate user when he wants to reset PIN and password.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
answer String Required Answer of the question
securityQuestion SecurityQuestion Required Security question object
uuid String Optional Unique user ID used to register. E.g. a20190404
Parameters Type Required Note
id long Required Unique ID of the question
question String Optional Question

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Returns saved answer of security question.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 264,
    "uuid": "a20190404",
    "securityQuestion": {
      "id": 2,
      "question": "What was the make and model of your first car?",
      "createdDate": 1549639014630,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014630
    "answer": "Santafe",
    "createdDate": 1556132079841,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1556132079841

Update user’s security answer

Logged in user updates his/her answers for security questions in the server. The security questions and user’s answers are used to validate user when he wants to reset PIN and password.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{personSecurityAnswerId}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
personSecurityAnswerId String Required Unique ID of the person security answer.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
answer String Required Answer of the question
securityQuestion SecurityQuestion Required Security question object
uuid String Optional Unique user ID used to register.
Parameters Type Required Note
id long Required Unique ID of the question
question String Optional Question

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: */*"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"answer":"Sedona","securityQuestion": {"id":2,"question":"What was the make and model of your first car?"}}’

Returns updated answer of security question.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 264,
    "uuid": "a20190404",
    "securityQuestion": {
      "id": 2,
      "question": "What was the make and model of your first car?",
      "createdDate": 1549639014630,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014630
    "answer": "Sedona",
    "createdDate": 1556132079841,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1556146644539


Check account existence

Check if the same username already exists in the server.




HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
username String Required Unique user ID used to register.

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
userExist boolean Required True if user exists. False if user doesn’t exist.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "userExist": true

Reset user password

Reset user’s password. Temporary password is sent to user’s email.




HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getMySkinService

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
answer String Required User’s answer upon the question.
securityQuestionId long Required Unique identifier of security question.
username String Required Unique user ID used to register.

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"answer":"Sedona","securityQuestionId": 2,"username":"a20190404"}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Reset user PIN

Reset user’s PIN. Temporary PIN is sent to user’s email.




HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
answer String Required User’s answer upon the question.
securityQuestionId long Required Unique identifier of security question.
username String Required Unique user ID used to register.

Example request

curl -X POST " "
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"answer":"Sedona","securityQuestionId": 2,"username":"a20190404"}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Retrieve security questions

Retrieves user security questions registered for the tenant. The security questions and user’s answers are used to validate user when he wants to reset PIN and password.




HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"

Returns list of security questions.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": [
      "id": 2,
      "question": "What was the make and model of your first car?",
      "createdDate": 1549639014630,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014630
      "id": 3,
      "question": "What was the name of your elementary / primary school?",
      "createdDate": 1549639014862,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1549639014862


Close user account

Closing user account. User can deregister his/her own account. If an admin has permission, the admin is able to close his/her tenant’s user account.




HTTP Method / URL
DELETE /{uuid}

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user ID used to register.

Example request

curl -X DELETE ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null


Validate user PIN

Validates user’s PIN if it meets PIN requirements.




HTTP Method / URL

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
pin String Required PIN to be validated
uuid String Required Unique user ID used to register.

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-d ‘{"pin":"2345","uuid":"a20190404"}’

Returns result of the PIN validation.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
pinValidated boolean Required True if PIN is correct. False if PIN is wrong.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": null,
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "pinValidated": false


Retrieve tenant info by admin

Retrieve tenant details by admin user of the tenant. Admin user can retrieve his/her tenant info only.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
GET / admin/client/{tenantName}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant.

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the Client object.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "name": "JANUS",
    "description": "JANUS program",
    "defaultRole": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "CONSUMER",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Consumer role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": [
          "id": 7,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "RESET_PASSWORD",
            "description": "Reset User Password",
            "createdDate": 1548207958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
          "createdDate": 1548190231554,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231554,
          "authority": "RESET_PASSWORD"
          "id": 8,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "RESET_PIN",
            "description": "Reset User Pin",
            "createdDate": 1548207958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
          "createdDate": 1548190231632,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231632,
          "authority": "RESET_PIN"
    "createdDate": 1548189217249,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189217249


Retrieve user audit info by admin

Supply user’s uuid to retrieve the user’s audit data by admin user. Only the same tenant user data can be retrieved.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
GET /{uuid}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifer

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns list of person audit records for the user.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": [
      "id": 919,
      "auditCategory": "API",
      "name": "ADDSECURITYANSWER",
      "auditAction": "CREATE",
      "uuid": "a20190404",
      "createdDate": 1556146479850,
      "result": "Y",
      "summary": "Add a user security answer",
      "parameter": null,
      "data": "{\"id\":0,\"uuid\":null,\"securityQuestion\":{\"id\":2,\"question\":\"What was the make and model of your first car?\",\"createdDate\":null,\"lastUpdatedDate\":null},\"answer\":\"Santafe\",\"createdDate\":null,\"lastUpdatedDate\":null}",
      "errorMessage": null,
      "startDate": null,
      "endDate": null,
      "clientIpAddress": ",",
      "httpLoggingId": 3874,
      "httpLogging": null
      "id": 920,
      "auditCategory": "API",
      "name": "ADDSECURITYANSWER",
      "auditAction": "CREATE",
      "uuid": "a20190404",
      "createdDate": 1556147331915,
      "result": "N",
      "summary": "Add a user security answer",
      "parameter": null,
      "data": "{\"id\":0,\"uuid\":null,\"securityQuestion\":null,\"answer\":null,\"createdDate\":null,\"lastUpdatedDate\":null}",
      "errorMessage": "{\"tenantName\":null,\"statusCode\":\"VALIDATION\",\"statusMessage\":\"Failed. Please contact system admin.\",\"additionalStatusCode\":null,\"additionalStatusMessage\":null}",
      "startDate": null,
      "endDate": null,
      "clientIpAddress": ",",
      "httpLoggingId": 3875,
      "httpLogging": null

Retrieve logs of audit data by admin

Supply user’s user name and his/her audi Id to retrieve complete detail of the audit data by admin. Only the same tenant user data can be retrieved.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The user must have the entitlement to access this API.


HTTP Method / URL
GET /{uuid}/{auditId}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifer
auditId int Required Unique identifier of the audit record

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8084/admin/client/person/audit/a20190404/920"
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns person audit record for the specific audit ID.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 920,
    "auditCategory": "API",
    "auditAction": "CREATE",
    "uuid": "a20190404",
    "createdDate": 1556147331915,
    "result": "N",
    "summary": "Add a user security answer",
    "parameter": null,
    "data": "{\"id\":0,\"uuid\":null,\"securityQuestion\":null,\"answer\":null,\"createdDate\":null,\"lastUpdatedDate\":null}",
    "errorMessage": "{\"tenantName\":null,\"statusCode\":\"VALIDATION\",\"statusMessage\":\"Failed. Please contact system admin.\",\"additionalStatusCode\":null,\"additionalStatusMessage\":null}",
    "startDate": null,
    "endDate": null,
    "clientIpAddress": ",",
    "httpLoggingId": 3875,
    "httpLogging": {
      "id": 3875,
      "requestMessage": "REST Request - [HTTP METHOD:POST] [PATH INFO:/api/myinfo/securityAnswer] [] [user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.108 Safari/537.36] [content-length:2] [accept:*/*] [accept-encoding:gzip, deflate] [accept-language:en-US,en;q=0.9,ko-KR;q=0.8,ko;q=0.7] [authorization:Bearer &lt; bearer token here&gt; ] [content-type:application/json] [cookie:AWSALB=fJjLq83XCePztPChlJfjze/BdTeYAYYfgAEKHVmu4UyIUKVjlxqBXLIxA1uiWnj0684+rE+H5s+GplS9n5KjWWpjPMr99IiBB6SaI//Coi92gMNqzgm9sXcSeZsF] [origin:] [referer:] [x-amzn-trace-id:Root=1-5cc0b443-3fcc504097e7e1028cb56810] [x-forwarded-for:,] [] [x-forwarded-port:80] [x-forwarded-proto:http] [] [x-real-ip:] [REQUEST PARAMETERS:{}] [REQUEST BODY:{}] [REMOTE ADDRESS:]",
      "responseMessage": "{\"contextResponse\":{\"tenantName\":null,\"statusCode\":\"VALIDATION\",\"statusMessage\":\"Failed. Please contact system admin.\",\"additionalStatusCode\":null,\"additionalStatusMessage\":null},\"responseData\":null}",
      "createdDate": 1556147331884


Retrieve tenant’s users

Retrieve all users registered in the tenant by admin user.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns list of persons registered in the tenant.

Body parameters

Attribute Description
clientId Unique identifier of the tenant
clientName Name of tenant
firstName First name of the user
lastName Last name of the user
personType Type of the user in the resource servers. Possible values are BOX_OWNER, COMPANY_USER, SUBSCRIBER, and SERVICE_OWNER.
status User’s status. Possible values are
- ACTIVE: User becomes active status after registration.
- INACTIVE: Administrator manually registered the user but has not updated status to ‘ACTIVE’.
- LOCKED: Account is locked after maximum login retry attempt is all exhausted. Or account is manually locked by the administrator.
createdDate Created date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
lastUpdatedDate Last data updated date and time. Format is unix timestamp.
username User’s login credential
id Unique user identifier

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": [
      "clientId": 1,
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "firstName": "first002",
      "lastName": "last",
      "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "createdDate": 1548350945048,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548350945048,
      "username": "",
      "id": "09234850980534"
      "clientId": 1,
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "firstName": "first003",
      "lastName": "last",
      "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "createdDate": 1548435388461,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548435388461,
      "username": "",
      "id": "039218540912385"
      "clientId": 1,
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "firstName": "Mseema211a",
      "lastName": "211a",
      "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "createdDate": 1557523456254,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1557523456254,
      "username": "mummada17+211",
      "id": "4b168c2c-a9ca-4531-8fc3-a105878f013e"

Create tenant’s user

Register new user in the tenant by admin.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
contact String Optional User’s contact information. Possible values are email or mobile phone number.
contactType String Optional Type fo contact. Possibe values are EMAIL if contact is email and MOBILE if contact is mobile phone number.
firstName String Required First name of the user
lastName String Required Last name of the user
password String Required Password to authenticate the service.
personType String Required Type of the user in the resource servers. Possible values are BOX_OWNER, COMPANY_USER, SUBSCRIBER, and SERVICE_OWNER.
pin String Optional PIN to be used in the resource servers.
preferredLanguage String Optional User’s preferred language code. Format is ISO 639-1 code.
resetRequired boolean Optional Whether make the user immediately active state. If value is True, user state will be set to ‘INACTIVE’ when user is created the first time. Otherwise user state will be immediately ‘ACTIVE’.
roleName String Optional Name of the role to be assigned to the user. To assign a role, role names should be defined via ClientRole APIs.
timeZoneFormatted String Optional Timezone the user locates. Format is abbreviation of time zone name.
username String Required User’s login credential
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
    "contact": "",
    "contactType": "EMAIL",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "password": "Test1234!",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "pin": "1234",
    "preferredLanguage": "EN",
    "resetRequired": true,
    "roleNames": ["CONSUMER"],
    "timeZoneFormatted": "EST",
    "username": "johndoe",
    "uuid": "johndoe12345"

Returns person object.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "client": {
      "name": "JANUS",
      "description": "JANUS program",
      "defaultRole": null,
      "createdDate": 1548189217249,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189217249
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "status": "INACTIVE",
    "lastLoginDatetime": null,
    "loginAttempt": 0,
    "lastPasswordUpdate": 1557515935929,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "needChangePassword": true,
    "remainingChangePasswordDate": 0,
    "createdDate": 1557515936340,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936340,
    "timeZoneFormatted": "EST",
    "personCredentials": [
        "credentialType": "USERNAME",
        "credential": "johndoe",
        "createdDate": 1557515936544,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936544
    "personRoles": [
        "role": {
          "id": 3,
          "name": "CONSUMER",
          "clientName": "JANUS",
          "description": "Consumer role",
          "clientRoleEntitlements": null
        "createdDate": 1557515936644,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936644
    "personContacts": [
        "contactType": "EMAIL",
        "contact": "",
        "createdDate": 1557515936444,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936444
    "enabled": true,
    "username": "johndoe",
    "credentialsNonExpired": true,
    "accountNonLocked": true,
    "id": "johndoe12345"

Find tenant’s user by UUID

Supply user’s user name to retireve detail of the user information by admin.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The user must have the permission to delete own account or someone else’s account.


HTTP Method / URL
GET /{uuid}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns person object.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "client": {
      "name": "JANUS",
      "description": "JANUS program",
      "defaultRole": null,
      "createdDate": 1548189217249,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189217249
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "status": "INACTIVE",
    "lastLoginDatetime": null,
    "loginAttempt": 0,
    "lastPasswordUpdate": 1557515935929,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "needChangePassword": true,
    "remainingChangePasswordDate": 0,
    "createdDate": 1557515936340,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936340,
    "timeZoneFormatted": "EST",
    "personCredentials": [
        "credentialType": "USERNAME",
        "credential": "johndoe",
        "createdDate": 1557515936544,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936544
    "personRoles": [
        "role": {
          "id": 3,
          "name": "CONSUMER",
          "clientName": "JANUS",
          "description": "Consumer role",
          "clientRoleEntitlements": null
        "createdDate": 1557515936644,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936644
    "personContacts": [
        "contactType": "EMAIL",
        "contact": "",
        "createdDate": 1557515936444,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936444
    "enabled": true,
    "username": "johndoe",
    "credentialsNonExpired": true,
    "accountNonLocked": true,
    "id": "johndoe12345"

Update tenant’s user information

Update existing tenant user’s detail information by admin user. Only the same tenant user data can be updated.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
contact String Optional User’s contact information. Possible values are email or mobile phone number.
contactType String Optional Type fo contact. Possibe values are EMAIL if contact is email and MOBILE if contact is mobile phone number.
firstName String Required First name of the user
lastName String Required Last name of the user
password String Required Password to authenticate the service.
personType String Required Type of the user in the resource servers. Possible values are BOX_OWNER, COMPANY_USER, SUBSCRIBER, and SERVICE_OWNER.
pin String Optional PIN to be used in the resource servers.
preferredLanguage String Optional User’s preferred language code. Format is ISO 639-1 code.
resetRequired boolean Optional Whether make the user immediately active state. If value is True, user state will be set to ‘INACTIVE’ when user is created the first time. Otherwise user state will be immediately ‘ACTIVE’.
roleName String Optional Name of the role to be assigned to the user. To assign a role, role names should be defined via ClientRole APIs.
timeZoneFormatted String Optional Timezone the user locates. Format is abbreviation of time zone name.
username String Required User’s login credential
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Example request

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8084/admin/client/person/johndoe12345"
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
    "contact": "",
    "contactType": "EMAIL",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "password": "Test1234!",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "pin": "1234",
    "preferredLanguage": "EN",
    "resetRequired": true,
    "roleNames": ["CONSUMER"],
    "timeZoneFormatted": "EST",
    "username": "johndoe",
    "uuid": "johndoe12345"

Returns person object.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "client": {
      "name": "JANUS",
      "description": "JANUS program",
      "defaultRole": null,
      "createdDate": 1548189217249,
      "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189217249
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "personType": "SUBSCRIBER",
    "status": "INACTIVE",
    "lastLoginDatetime": null,
    "loginAttempt": 0,
    "lastPasswordUpdate": 1557515935929,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "needChangePassword": true,
    "remainingChangePasswordDate": 0,
    "createdDate": 1557515936340,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936340,
    "timeZoneFormatted": "EST",
    "personCredentials": [
        "credentialType": "USERNAME",
        "credential": "johndoe",
        "createdDate": 1557515936544,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936544
    "personRoles": [
        "role": {
          "id": 3,
          "name": "CONSUMER",
          "clientName": "JANUS",
          "description": "Consumer role",
          "clientRoleEntitlements": null
        "createdDate": 1557515936644,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557515936644
    "personContacts": [
        "contactType": "EMAIL",
        "contact": "",
        "createdDate": 1557515936444,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1557521447447
    "enabled": true,
    "username": "johndoe",
    "credentialsNonExpired": true,
    "accountNonLocked": true,
    "id": "johndoe12345"

Delete tenant’s user

Delete existing user registered in the tenant by admin. Only the same tenant user data can be retrieved.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
DELETE /{uuid}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X DELETE ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null


Retrieve tenant’s user roles by admin

Supply user’s user name or/and role to retrieve roles assigned to the role by admin. Only the same tenant user data can be retrieved.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
uuid String Required Unique user identifier
roleName String Optional Role name

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"uuid":"a20190404"}’

Returns result of the role request.
Example response

    "contextResponse": {
        "tenantName": "JANUS",
        "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
        "statusMessage": null,
        "additionalStatusCode": null,
        "additionalStatusMessage": null
    "responseData": [{
        "role": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "CONSUMER",
            "clientName": "JANUS",
            "description": "Consumer role",
            "clientRoleEntitlements": [{
                "id": 7,
                "entitlement": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "RESET_PASSWORD",
                    "description": "Reset User Password",
                    "createdDate": 1548207958507,
                    "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
                "createdDate": 1548190231554,
                "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231554,
                "authority": "RESET_PASSWORD"
            }, {
                "id": 8,
                "entitlement": {
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "RESET_PIN",
                    "description": "Reset User Pin",
                    "createdDate": 1548207958507,
                    "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
                "createdDate": 1548190231632,
                "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231632,
                "authority": "RESET_PIN"
            }, {
                "id": 9,
                "entitlement": {
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD",
                    "description": "get temporary password",
                    "createdDate": 1548207958507,
                    "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
                "createdDate": 1548190231710,
                "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231710,
                "authority": "GET_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD"
            }, {
                "id": 10,
                "entitlement": {
                    "id": 9,
                    "name": "CHANGE_PIN_PASSWORD",
                    "description": "change password and pin",
                    "createdDate": 1548207958507,
                    "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
                "createdDate": 1548190231789,
                "lastUpdatedDate": 1548190231789,
                "authority": "CHANGE_PIN_PASSWORD"
            }, {
                "id": 72,
                "entitlement": {
                    "id": 27,
                    "name": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT",
                    "description": "Deregister user account",
                    "createdDate": 1556302691582,
                    "lastUpdatedDate": 1556302691582
                "createdDate": 1556328443911,
                "lastUpdatedDate": 1556328443911,
                "authority": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT"
        "createdDate": 1554397020822,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1554397020822

Assign role to the tenant’s user by admin

Supply user’s username and name of the role(s) to be assigned to the user by admin Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
uuid String Required Unique user identifier
roleName String Required Role name

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"roleName":"CONSUMER","uuid":"a20190404"}’

Returns role object assigned to the user, which includes list of entitlement assigned to the role.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "role": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "CONSUMER",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Consumer role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": [
          "id": 7,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "RESET_PASSWORD",
            "description": "Reset User Password",
            "createdDate": 1548189958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189958507
          "createdDate": 1548172231554,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548172231554,
          "authority": "RESET_PASSWORD"
          "id": 8,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "RESET_PIN",
            "description": "Reset User Pin",
            "createdDate": 1548189958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189958507
          "createdDate": 1548172231632,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548172231632,
          "authority": "RESET_PIN"
          "id": 9,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 4,
            "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD",
            "description": "get temporary password",
            "createdDate": 1548189958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189958507
          "createdDate": 1548172231710,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548172231710,
          "authority": "GET_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD"
          "id": 10,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 9,
            "name": "CHANGE_PIN_PASSWORD",
            "description": "change password and pin",
            "createdDate": 1548189958507,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1548189958507
          "createdDate": 1548172231789,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548172231789,
          "authority": "CHANGE_PIN_PASSWORD"
          "id": 72,
          "entitlement": {
            "id": 27,
            "name": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT",
            "description": "Deregister user account",
            "createdDate": 1556288291582,
            "lastUpdatedDate": 1556288291582
          "createdDate": 1556314043911,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1556314043911,
          "authority": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT"
    "createdDate": 1558362351478,
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1558362351478

Remove role from the tenant’s user by admin

Supply user’s username and roleName to be removed from the user by admin. Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
uuid String Required Unique user identifier
roleName String Required Role name

Example request

curl -X DELETE ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"roleName":"ADMIN","uuid":"a20190404"}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null


Lock tenant’s user account by admin

Lock the user account by admin to prevent his/her access to the service. Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}/lock

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Unlock tenant’s user account by admin

Unlock the suspended user account by admin to allow his/her access to the service. Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}/unlock

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Reset tenant’s user password by admin

Resets user’s password. The temporary password is sent to the user’s email address.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}/resetPassword

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
securityQuestionId int Required Unique ID of security question
answer String Required Role name

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"answer":"Sedona","securityQuestionId":2}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Reset tenant’s user PIN by admin

Reset user’s PIN. The temporary password is sent to the user’s email address.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}/resetPin

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
securityQuestionId int Required Unique ID of security question
answer String Required Role name

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"answer":"Sedona","securityQuestionId":2}’

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null

Update tenant’s user account by admin

Update user’s status by admin. Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{uuid}/status

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Value Type Required Note
Value of person status String Required Possible values are ‘ACTIVE’, ‘INACTIVE’, and ‘LOCKED’.

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json" –

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null


Retrieve list of client roles

Retrieve list of roles created in the tenant by admin.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X GET ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns list of roles but without clientRoleEntitlements object. result of the request.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": [
      "id": 2,
      "name": "POS_USER",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "POS user role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 3,
      "name": "CONSUMER",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Consumer role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 5,
      "name": "POS_USER101",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": null,
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 7,
      "name": "Test Role",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Test Role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 13,
      "name": "SVA_role1",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "SVA_role1_update",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 17,
      "name": "Role 4",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Test Role4",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 32,
      "name": "test-role55",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "test-role55",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 6,
      "name": "ADMIN",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "string",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 33,
      "name": "test-role155_update",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "test_55_update",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 35,
      "name": "Deregister-role",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "Deregister-role",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null
      "id": 56,
      "name": "REGISTRATION_ADMIN",
      "clientName": "JANUS",
      "description": "REGISTRATION_ADMIN",
      "clientRoleEntitlements": null

Create a new role with entitlements in the tenant account

Client retrieves list of skins configured in the backend.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getMySkinService

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
name String Required Name of new client role
description String Optional Description of new client role
clientRoleEntitlements entitlement Required Entitlements to be assigned to the client role
Parameters Type Required Note
id int Required Unique identifier of the entitlement to be assigned
name String Optional Name of entitlement
description String Optional Description of entitlement

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
    "clientRoleEntitlements": [{
        "entitlement": {
            "description": "get temporary pin",
            "id": 7,
            "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN"
    }, {
        "entitlement": {
            "description": "Reset User Password",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "RESET_PASSWORD"
    "description": "Shopper role",
    "name": "SHOPPER"

Returns newlye added role object.

Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 70,
    "name": "SHOPPER",
    "clientName": null,
    "description": "Shopper role",
    "clientRoleEntitlements": [
        "id": 289,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 7,
          "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN",
          "description": "get temporary pin",
          "createdDate": null,
          "lastUpdatedDate": null
        "createdDate": 1558458194445,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1558458194445,
        "authority": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN"
        "id": 290,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 2,
          "name": "RESET_PASSWORD",
          "description": "Reset User Password",
          "createdDate": null,
          "lastUpdatedDate": null
        "createdDate": 1558458194543,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1558458194543,
        "authority": "RESET_PASSWORD"

Search role by role ID

Supply role ID to retrieve role detail and its entitlements mapping list by tenant. Only the same tenant user data can be modified.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{roleId}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
roleId String Required Unique role identifier

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 6,
    "name": "ADMIN",
    "clientName": "JANUS",
    "description": "string",
    "clientRoleEntitlements": [
        "id": 62,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 12,
          "name": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT",
          "description": "Admin - Client/Tenant management",
          "createdDate": 1549044920746,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549044920746
        "createdDate": 1556317217146,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317217146,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT"
        "id": 63,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 13,
          "name": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_ROLE",
          "description": "Admin - Client/Tenant role management",
          "createdDate": 1549044921025,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549044921025
        "createdDate": 1556317283460,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317283460,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_ROLE"
        "id": 64,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 14,
          "name": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_USER",
          "description": "Admin - Client/Tenant user management",
          "createdDate": 1549044921257,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549044921257
        "createdDate": 1556317284696,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317284696,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_USER"
        "id": 65,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 15,
          "name": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_USER_ROLE",
          "description": "Admin - Client/Tenant user role management",
          "createdDate": 1549044921493,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549044921493
        "createdDate": 1556317286009,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317286009,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_USER_ROLE"
        "id": 66,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 16,
          "description": "Admin - Client/Tenant user status management",
          "createdDate": 1549044921724,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549044921724
        "createdDate": 1556317287221,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317287221,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_CLIENT_USER_STATUS"
        "id": 67,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 17,
          "name": "ADMIN_MANAGE_ENTITLEMENT",
          "description": "Admin - Entitlement management",
          "createdDate": 1549656468174,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549656468174
        "createdDate": 1556317288429,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317288429,
        "authority": "ADMIN_MANAGE_ENTITLEMENT"
        "id": 68,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 18,
          "description": "Admin - Security Question management",
          "createdDate": 1549656468513,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1549656468513
        "createdDate": 1556317289580,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317289580,
        "id": 69,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 24,
          "name": "ADMIN_RESET_USER_PASSWORD",
          "description": "Reset client user password by Admin",
          "createdDate": 1550252655625,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1550252655625
        "createdDate": 1556317290712,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317290712,
        "authority": "ADMIN_RESET_USER_PASSWORD"
        "id": 70,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 25,
          "name": "ADMIN_RESET_USER_PIN",
          "description": "Reset client user pin by Admin",
          "createdDate": 1550252691367,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1550252691367
        "createdDate": 1556317291827,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556317291827,
        "authority": "ADMIN_RESET_USER_PIN"
        "id": 71,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 27,
          "name": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT",
          "description": "Deregister user account",
          "createdDate": 1556302691582,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1556302691582
        "createdDate": 1556326559696,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1556326559696,
        "authority": "DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT"

Update role by role ID

Admin updates entitlements in his/her tenant role.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
POST or PUT /{roleId}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
uuid String Required Unique user identifier

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
name String Required Name of new client role
description String Optional Description of new client role
clientRoleEntitlements entitlement Required Entitlements to be assigned to the client role
Parameters Type Required Note
id int Required Unique identifier of the entitlement to be assigned
name String Optional Name of entitlement
description String Optional Description of entitlement

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
    "clientRoleEntitlements": [{
        "entitlement": {
            "description": "get temporary pin",
            "id": 7,
            "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN"
    }, {
        "entitlement": {
            "description": "Reset User Password",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "RESET_PASSWORD"
    }, {
        "entitlement": {
            "description": "Reset User Pin",
            "id": 3,
            "name": "RESET_PIN"
    "description": "Role for shopper",
    "name": "SHOPPER"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": {
    "id": 70,
    "name": "SHOPPER",
    "clientName": "JANUS",
    "description": "Role for shopper",
    "clientRoleEntitlements": [
        "id": 291,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 7,
          "name": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN",
          "description": "get temporary pin",
          "createdDate": 1548207958507,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
        "createdDate": 1558459464413,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1558459464413,
        "authority": "GET_TEMPORARY_PIN"
        "id": 292,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 2,
          "name": "RESET_PASSWORD",
          "description": "Reset User Password",
          "createdDate": 1548207958507,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
        "createdDate": 1558459464510,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1558459464510,
        "authority": "RESET_PASSWORD"
        "id": 293,
        "entitlement": {
          "id": 3,
          "name": "RESET_PIN",
          "description": "Reset User Pin",
          "createdDate": 1548207958507,
          "lastUpdatedDate": 1548207958507
        "createdDate": 1558459464607,
        "lastUpdatedDate": 1558459464607,
        "authority": "RESET_PIN"

Delete role by role ID

Supply roleId to be deleted in the tenant’s account by admin user.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
DELETE /{roleId}

Header parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
tenantName String Required Name of tenant that user registered.
roleId Integer Required Unique identifier of role

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X DELETE ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null


Deregister user account

Deregister user account from tenant account. User can deregister his/her own account. Admin can deregister any user registered in his/her tenant.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.
The logged in user must have the permission to access the API.


HTTP Method / URL
DELETE /{uuid}

Body parameters

Example request

curl -X DELETE " /api/deregister/test043009"
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "tenantName: JANUS"
-H "api-key: &lt;insert your APP Key here&gt;"
-H "authorization: Bearer &lt;insert your bearer token here&gt;"

Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "contextResponse": {
    "tenantName": "JANUS",
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "additionalStatusCode": null,
    "additionalStatusMessage": null
  "responseData": null