POST Cancel Payment

This APi must be use it to cancel a payment


api-key {api-key}

Key Provided to use this platform

Content-Type application/json


raw (application/json)

        "contextRequest": {
         "tenantName": "{tenant_name}}",
        "transactionid": "1098",
        "reason": "just testing"

The data to be submitted to the API is composed of the following fields:

field Note Example Required
contextrequest.tenantName Company code Cloudpayments true
contextrequest.token Token obteined on Cashier Login ea6bcf91-e5af-45a8-a7f3-d18004a6a6a3 true
transactionid Id of the transaction obtenien on Pay With Card 1155 true
reason Cancel payment reason Wrong amount true

Example Request

Pay With Card
	var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "timeout": 0,
  "headers": {
    "api-key": "{api-key}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  "data": "{
  	"contextRequest": {
		"tenantName": "Cloudpayments",
		"token": "ea6bcf91-e5af-45a8-a7f3-d18004a6a6a3"
	"transactionid": "1098",
	"reason": "	Wrong amount"
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {