
Entity handling Customer Session, Registration, login, logout, updating customer info, deleting a customer


public struct FTLSessionController


public init()


public func loggedCustomer() -> FTLCustomer?

Retrieves current logged customer, if any

public func logCustomerOut()

Locally deletes the logged customer & session

public func registerCustomerWithUsername(_ username : String, // username is email
                                                password : String,
                                                name: String,
                                                lastName: String,
                                                campaignBonus : FTLCampaignBonus? = nil,
                                                completion : FTLCompletionWithCustomer?)

Registers customer, if campaigns have been fetched for the API user, registers the customer for all campaigns

If succesful, SessionController.loggedCustomer() will contain a reference to the customer

  • Parameters:

    • username: credential to use for use login (alphanumeric, email, phone number, etc)

    • password: password to log the customer for the given username

    • name: customer’s first name

    • lastName: customer’s last name

    • signupBonus: number of points to grant a user on initial signup

    • completion: optional (_ customer : Customer?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () completion block


Name Description
username credential to use for use login (alphanumeric, email, phone number, etc)
password password to log the customer for the given username
name customer’s first name
lastName customer’s last name
signupBonus number of points to grant a user on initial signup
completion optional (_ customer : Customer?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () completion block
public func logCustomerWithUsername(_ username : String,
                                           password : String,
                                           fullInfomationFetch full: Bool = true,
                                           completion : FTLCompletionWithCustomer?)

Returns a customer given a username & password, starts a local session with customer if successful, retrievable via SessionController.loggedCustomer()

  • Parameters:

    • username: customer username

    • password: customer password

    • fullInformationFetch: after login, executed additional calls to obtain additional customer info (campaigns, promotion & rewards), defaults to true

    • completion: optional CompletionWithCustomer block


Name Description
username customer username
password customer password
fullInformationFetch after login, executed additional calls to obtain additional customer info (campaigns, promotion & rewards), defaults to true
completion optional CompletionWithCustomer block
public func removeCustomer(_ customer : FTLCustomer,
                                  completion : FTLCompletionWithSuccess?)

Removes a customer from the User’s account

  • Parameter customer: customer to remove

  • Parameter completion: optional CompletionWithCustomer block, executed on calling thread

  • Note: completion block is executed on calling thread


Name Description
customer customer to remove
completion optional CompletionWithCustomer block, executed on calling thread
public func updateLoggedCustomer(_ completion : FTLCompletionWithCustomer?)

Updates currently logged customer with the latest User & self Campaigns, fetches promotions & balances

  • Parameter completion:
    optional CompletionWithCustomer block


Name Description
completion optional CompletionWithCustomer block


Entity handling customer info (campaigns, balances, rewards, etc) fetching operations


public struct FTLCustomerController


public init()


public  func getCampaignBalancesFor(_ customer : FTLCustomer? = nil,
                                          completion : FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Gets balances for each campaign in customer.campaings, customer will contain updated campaigns

CompletionBlock will be excuted on the calling queue

  • Parameters:
    • customer: Customer to get the campaign balances for, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer()
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error


Name Description
customer Customer to get the campaign balances for, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer()
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error
public  func getBalanceForCampaignWithIdentifier(_ identifier : String,
                                                       ofCustomer customer : FTLCustomer? = nil,
                                                       completion : FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Gets balances for a campaign identifier is currently in customer.campaigns

  • Parameters:

    • identifier: unique identifier of the campaign to fetch balance for

    • customer: the customer that has the campaign, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available

    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error


Name Description
identifier unique identifier of the campaign to fetch balance for
customer the customer that has the campaign, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error
public  func getBalanceForCampaign(_ campaign : FTLCampaignView,
                                         ofCustomer customer: FTLCustomer? = nil,
                                         completion: FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Gets balances for specific campaign of given customer.

Returns array of [CampaignView] with count = 1 with the updated campaign, also updates the respective campaign inside customer

  • Parameters:
    • campaign: the campaign to get balances for
    • customer: the customer that has the campaign, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error


Name Description
campaign the campaign to get balances for
customer the customer that has the campaign, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error


Entity handling User & Customer Campaigns


public struct FTLCampaignController


public init()


public  func fetchUserCampaigns(campaignType : FTLCampaignType = FTLoyalty.campaignType,
                                      fetchPromotions : Bool = false,
                                      fetchRewards : Bool = false,
                                      usingCache caching : Bool = true,
                                      completion : FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Fetches all campaigns for a user for a given campaign type

Use this call to retrieve User campaigns, and optionally promotions & rewards, defaults to false. Setting these values to true may significantly return time if there are a large number of campaigns available

  • Parameters:
    • campaignType: the type of campaign to fetch, defaults to FTPay.campaignType

    • fetchPromotions: whether to fetch promotions for each of the campaigns

    • fetchRewards: wheter to fetch rewards for each of the campaigns

    • caching: whether to retrieve last fetched values from cache is the are younger than FTPay.Cache.cachedSeconds

    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block


Name Description
campaignType the type of campaign to fetch, defaults to FTPay.campaignType
fetchPromotions whether to fetch promotions for each of the campaigns
fetchRewards wheter to fetch rewards for each of the campaigns
caching whether to retrieve last fetched values from cache is the are younger than FTPay.Cache.cachedSeconds
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block
public  func fetchRewardsForCustomer(_ customer : FTLCustomer? = nil,  completion : FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Fetches rewards for customer campaigns

  • Parameter customer: the customer to obtain rewards for. Reward information for each of Customer.campaigns will be fetched. Pass nil to use the logged customer

  • Parameter completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block.
    Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue.

  • Remark: if customer == nil, the logged customer, if any, will be used and update in its session.


Name Description
customer the customer to obtain rewards for. Reward information for each of Customer.campaigns will be fetched. Pass nil to use the logged customer
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue.
public  func fetchRewardsForCachedCampaigns(_ completion : FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Fetches rewards for cached campaigns, updates the cache

  • Parameter completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block.
    Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue.


Name Description
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue.
public  func fetchRewardsForCampaigns(_ campaigns : [FTLCampaignView], completion :  FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Fetches the rewards available for each of the campaigns in a campaign array

  • Parameters:
    • campaigns: the campaign array to fetch rewards for.
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue


Name Description
campaigns the campaign array to fetch rewards for.
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CompletionWithCampaigns]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will return array of passed campaigns with updated rewards info. Executed on the calling queue
public  func fetchRewardsForCampaignWithIdentifier(_ identifier : String, completion : FTLCompletionWithRewards?)

Adds rewards to a campaign given a campaign identifier

  • Parameters:
    • identifier: the unique campaign identifier to fetch rewards for. Will update campaigns in Cache (User Campaigns) & Customer.campaigns if found
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [RewardView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block, will contain 1 [RewardView] returning the passed campaign


Name Description
identifier the unique campaign identifier to fetch rewards for. Will update campaigns in Cache (User Campaigns) & Customer.campaigns if found
completion optional (_ campaigns : [RewardView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block, will contain 1 [RewardView] returning the passed campaign
public  func fetchRewardsFor(_ campaign : FTLCampaignView, completion : FTLCompletionWithRewards?)

Adds rewards to an existing campaign

  • Parameters:
    • campaign: The campaign to retrieve rewards for, will be mutated to contain found rewards
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [RewardView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block, will contain 1 [CampaignView] returning the passed campaign


Name Description
campaign The campaign to retrieve rewards for, will be mutated to contain found rewards
completion optional (_ campaigns : [RewardView]?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block, will contain 1 [CampaignView] returning the passed campaign
public  func getPromotionsFor(_ campaign : FTLCampaignView, completion : FTLCompletionWithPromotions?)

Adds promotions to an existing campaign

  • Parameters:
    • campaign: The campaign to retrieve promotions for, will be mutated to contain found promotions
    • completion: optional (_ promotions : [PromotionView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will contain empty array if error found


Name Description
campaign The campaign to retrieve promotions for, will be mutated to contain found promotions
completion optional (_ promotions : [PromotionView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block. Will contain empty array if error found
public  func fetchPromotionsInfoFor(_ campaigns : [FTLCampaignView],
                                   inQueue queue : OperationQueue? = nil,
                                   completion: FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Fills campaigns with available promotions, if available

  • Parameters:
    • campaigns: campaign array to find promotions for
    • queue: queue to execute completion block on
    • completion: Optional (_ campaigns : [FTCampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block


Name Description
campaigns campaign array to find promotions for
queue queue to execute completion block on
completion Optional (_ campaigns : [FTCampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () block


Entity handling executing promotions & claiming rewards


public struct FTLTransactionController


public init()


public func addPoints(_ points : Int, toCampaignWithId campaignId : String, forCustomer customer : FTLCustomer? = nil, completion : FTLCompletionWithCustomer?)

Adds points to a campaign

  • Parameters:
    • points: number of points to grant
    • campaignId: the campaign identifier to add points to
    • customer: customer to add the points to, defaults to currently logged user
    • completion: completion block with updated customer, campaigns and points


Name Description
points number of points to grant
campaignId the campaign identifier to add points to
customer customer to add the points to, defaults to currently logged user
completion completion block with updated customer, campaigns and points
public  func recordPromotionWithId(_ promotionId : String,
                                         forCustomer customer : FTLCustomer? = nil,
                                         completion : FTLCompletionWithCustomer?)

Records a promotion for a customer in a given points-based campaigns

Returns without action if customer.campaign[campaignId].promotion[promotionId] is not found

Returns on the calling queue

  • Parameter id: promotion identifier

  • Parameter customer: customer to record promotion for, pass nil to execute on logged customer

  • Parameter completion: optional (_ customer : Customer?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () completion block


Name Description
id promotion identifier
customer customer to record promotion for, pass nil to execute on logged customer
completion optional (_ customer : Customer?, _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> () completion block
public  func redeemRewardWithId(_ rewardId : String,
                                      ofCampaignWithId campaignid : String,
                                      forCustomer customer : FTLCustomer? = nil,
                                      completion: FTLCompletionWithCampaigns?)

Redeem a reward of a given campaign for a given customer

Reward.level <= Campaign.balance to succeed

If successful, the reward balance will be updated

  • Parameters:
    • rewardId: unique identifier of the reward to redeem
    • campaignid: unique identifier of the campaign to redeem, must be found of customer.campaigns
    • customer: customer to redeem the reward for, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available
    • completion: optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error. [CampaignView] will contain the updated campaign if succesful or empty on error. Executed on the calling queue.


Name Description
rewardId unique identifier of the reward to redeem
campaignid unique identifier of the campaign to redeem, must be found of customer.campaigns
customer customer to redeem the reward for, pass nil to use SessionController.loggedCustomer(), if available
completion optional (_ campaigns : [CampaignView], _ success : Bool, _ error : FTPayError?) -> (), campaign array will be empty on error. [CampaignView] will contain the updated campaign if succesful or empty on error. Executed on the calling queue.