Digital Stamp


Digital stamp card object

Attribute Description
stampCardId Unique identifier of the stamp card e.g. 0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB
name Name of the stamp card e.g. Burger King Alpharetta
stampType Unique identifier of the merchant who issued the membership card. Possible values are
- QR: QR Code
- NFC: NFC Tag
- STAMP: Physical Stamp e.g. QR
stampCount Number of stamps available in the stamp card. e.g. 5
tnc Terms and conditions of stamp card program
availableStore Short description of available store(s) e.g. all gap store
phoneNumber Customer care phone number e.g. 456-494-4564
information Detail of the stamp, how to use, etc. e.g. One free beverage after 10 stamps
isPublishToMarket To publish this stamp card to digital stamp marketplace. Possible values are
- Y: This stamp card is published in the digital stamp marketplace.
- N: This stamp card is not published in the digital stamp marketplace.
e.g. Y
backgroundImageUrl URL of background image of the stamp card
stampAreaImageUrl URL of stamp image on the stamp card.
rewards List of rewards associated with the stamp card. See reward object.
merchant List of merchants associated with the stamp card. See merchant object.
stampStartDate Start date of the stamp card valid period.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
stampEndDate End date of the stamp card valid period.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
catalogDescription Short description of the stamp card. Can be displayed in the catalog as a marketing message e.g. Buy 9 Coffees Get the 10th on us

Reward object

Attribute Description
rewardId Unique identifier of the reward provided as an award after end user achieves the goal of the stamp card. e.g. 68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E
walletId Your tenant’s ID e.g. JANUS
serviceId Unique identifier of your subscribing digital stamp card service e.g. 10520
name Name of the reward program e.g. Burger King’s rewards
threshold The number of stamps needed to earn this reward. This value is same as the number of stamps in the stamp object. e.g.10
imageUrl Reward image. e.g.
rewardMessage Customer message when the customer earned required all stamps and eligible to get the reward. e.g. Congratulations!
rewardDescription Short description of the reward e.g. Free coffee

Reward instance object

Attribute Description
rewardInstanceId Unique identifier of the reward instance which the end user earned after collecting the required stamps. e.g. 71584867-2b99-4d76-b628-dbb8526f66b7
cardInstanceId End user’s card instance ID e.g. 3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54
status Status of the reward instance. Possible values are
rewardedTime Date and time that the reward instance is created.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
rewardExpirationDate Date and time that the reward instance expires.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
reward Reward object of this reward instance. This object has master information of the reward.

Merchant object

Attribute Description
merchantId Unique identifier of the merchant whose stores will be associated with the stamp card. e.g. B94F3EE2-EEB1-4EBD-82D2-AB422FDA465A
merchantName Name of the merchant e.g. Burger King
merchantImageUrl URL of merchant logo image e.g.
updateDtim Last update date time of this merchant.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800

Digital stamp card instance object

Attribute Description
stampCardId Unique identifier of the stamp card e.g. 0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB
cardInstanceId Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481
currentStamps The number of stamp the end user collects e.g. 0
totalStamps Number of stamps available in the stamp card. e.g. 5
issueDate Date and time that end user created the stamp card instance.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
expirationDate Date and time that the stamp card expires.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
status Status of the digital stamp card instance. Possible values are

Event object

Attribute Description
cardInstanceId Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance. e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481
eventTime Date and time that the event occurs.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
eventType Type of the event. Possible values are
stampId Unique identifier of the reward to be earned by this event.
stampValue A code to explicitly validate the reward redemption. e.g. GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G
rewardInstanceId A code to explicitly validate the reward redemption. e.g. GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G


End user adds digital stamp card in his/her wallet

End user adds the stamp card in his/her wallet. Supply the identifier of the stamp card and end user’s stamp card instance will be created


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/addCard

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
stampCardId String Required Unique identifier of the stamp card e.g. 0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"stampCardId":"1F7C3F59-2478-44DD-8059-6E6969542099"}’


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0

End user retrieves his/her digital stamp card

End user find his/her digital stamp card instances by search conditions.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getCards

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
latitude double Optional Latitude to find data in the range example: 34.044454912173904
longitude double Optional Longitude to find data in the range example: -84.48063315578163
radius double Optional radius from latitude and longitude to find data in the range. Unit is km. example: 1000000
sortType int Optional Define how to sort the returned data. Default is 0. Possible values are
- 0 to not sort data.
- 1 to sort data by merchant name with A to Z order
- 2 to sort data by merchant name with Z to A order
- 3 to sort data by distance with the nearest location appearing first.
- 4 to sort data by distance with the farthest location appearing first.
- 5 to sort data by its usage with the most frequently used one first.
- 6 to sort data by its usage with the least used one first.
- 7 to sort data by the sequence that the end user defined using updateCardSequences()

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"latitude":34.044454912173904,"longitude": -84.48063315578163,"radius": 10000,"sortType": 4}’


Returns list of end user’s digital stamp instances.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "cards": [
      "cardInstanceId": "0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481",
      "stampCardId": "9708557D-73F2-4C5E-AA61-90AE0919B6C1",
      "currentStamps": 0,
      "totalStamps": 0,
      "issueDate": "2019-03-14T13:48:09.094+0000",
      "expirationDate": "2019-07-01T03:59:59.000+0000",
      "status": "ACTIVE"
      "cardInstanceId": "4cd8ef60-719a-43bf-8d91-6c8d4be24a2d",
      "stampCardId": "1F7C3F59-2478-44DD-8059-6E6969542099",
      "currentStamps": 0,
      "totalStamps": 0,
      "issueDate": "2019-03-14T13:44:49.025+0000",
      "expirationDate": "2021-01-01T04:59:59.000+0000",
      "status": "ACTIVE"

Retrieve stamp catalogue

Retrieves list of available stamps in the search conditions.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getCatalog

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
serviced String Optional Unique identifier of your subscribing digital stamp service. e.g. 10520
latitude double Optional Latitude to find data in the range example: 34.044454912173904
longitude double Optional Longitude to find data in the range example: -84.48063315578163
radius double Optional radius from latitude and longitude to find data in the range. Unit is km. example: 1000000
skipRows int Optional Starting row of data in the list being requested. For example, 2 is set, the first two rows will be skipped. Along with maxRows, you can use this for pagination.
maxResults int Optional Maximum number of data to be returned. Along with skipRows, you can use this for pagination. e.g. 5 returns up to 5 coupons.
merchantIds String[] Optional Identifier of merchant who associated with the digital stamp service. e.g. 1703276A-3709-45C5-B7EE-F5927D6D9EFA
stampCardId String Optional Identifier of a stamp card

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
    "latitude": 34.044454912173904,
    "longitude": -84.48063315578163,
    "maxResults": 20,
    "radius": 100000,
    "merchantIds": ["1467250E-1CB1-40F4-85B2-85C5BE4EB0A0"],
    "skipRows": 0,


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "catalog": [
      "stampCardId": "1F7C3F59-2478-44DD-8059-6E6969542099",
      "name": "Coffee House",
      "stampType": "QR",
      "stampCount": 0,
      "phoneNumber": "2024419862",
      "isPublishToMarket": "N",
      "backgroundImageUrl": "",
      "stampAreaImageUrl": "",
      "rewards": [
          "rewardId": "F175099B-C54D-4BC8-B567-6DFEADD50ED5",
          "serviceId": "10520",
          "name": "Free Coffee",
          "threshold": 5,
          "imageUrl": "",
          "rewardMessage": "Congratulations, this on is on us!",
          "rewardDescription": "Free Coffee"
      "merchant": {
        "merchantId": "1467250E-1CB1-40F4-85B2-85C5BE4EB0A0",
        "merchantName": "Coffee House",
        "merchantImageUrl": "",
        "updateDtim": "2018-12-19T17:42:26.000+0000",
        "store": {
          "storeId": "2A439A70-B572-45EF-BE50-2D900E4B64DA",
          "storeName": "Coffee House - Alpharetta",
          "street1": "12600 Deerfield Parkway Suite 425",
          "city": "Alpharetta",
          "state": "Georgia",
          "zip": "30004",
          "country": "US",
          "latitude": 34.089487,
          "longitude": -84.270758,
          "distance": 19.971244473406266

Retrieve all events of the end user’s digital stamp card instance

Supply card instance ID and retrieve all events associated with the card instance.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getEventHistory

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
cardInstanceId String Required Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"cardInstanceId":"3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54"}’


Returns list of events.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "events": [
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T21:32:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T21:30:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T20:30:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T19:30:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T18:30:04.278+0000",
      "eventType": "REWARD",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "71584867-2b99-4d76-b628-dbb8526f66b7"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T18:30:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "eventTime": "2019-03-14T17:30:03.278+0000",
      "eventType": "STAMP",
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "rewardInstanceId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E"

Retrieve merchants who provides digital stamp service with search conditions

Find sorted merchants by search conditions


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getMerchants

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
Latitude double Optional Latitude to find coupons in the range example: 34.044454912173904
longitude double Optional Longitude to find coupons in the range example: -84.48063315578163
radius double Optional radius from latitude and longitude to find data in the range. Unit is km. example: 1000000
merchantName String Optional Name of the merchant who provides the digital stamp card service
searchType int Optional Define how to sort the returned data. Default is 0. Possible values are
- 0 to return all data.
- 1 to sort data by distance, with the nearest merchant appearing first.
- 2 to sort data by name, with the A to Z order.

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
    "latitude": 34.044454912173904,
    "longitude": -84.48063315578163,
    "radius": 10000,
    "searchType": 1


Returns list of merchants.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "merchants": [
      "merchantId": "1467250E-1CB1-40F4-85B2-85C5BE4EB0A0",
      "merchantName": "Coffee House",
      "merchantImageUrl": "",
      "updateDtim": "2018-12-19T17:42:26.000+0000"
      "merchantId": "B94F3EE2-EEB1-4EBD-82D2-AB422FDA465A",
      "merchantName": "Burger King",
      "merchantImageUrl": "",
      "updateDtim": "2018-10-25T14:34:23.000+0000"

Retrieve the end user’s rewards

End user earns reward after collecting required stamps. Retrieve end user’s all available rewards.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getCouponDetail

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
cardInstanceId String Optional Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"cardInstanceId":"3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54"}’


Returns list of available rewards earned with the card instance.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "rewards": [
      "rewardInstanceId": "71584867-2b99-4d76-b628-dbb8526f66b7",
      "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
      "reward": {
        "rewardId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E",
        "walletId": "JANUS",
        "serviceId": "10520",
        "name": "Test stamp reward 0301-01",
        "threshold": 5,
        "imageUrl": "",
        "rewardMessage": "reward message test",
        "rewardDescription": "reward description"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "rewardedTime": "2019-03-14T17:37:37.103+0000",
      "rewardExpirationDate": "2019-04-13T17:37:37.103+0000"

Get stamp master data of the stamp card

Retrieve stamp master data of the stamp card to add the stamp in the end user’s stamp card instance


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getStamps

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
stampCardId String Required Unique identifier of the stamp card e.g. 0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"stampCardId":"0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB"}’


Returns the stamp object.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "stamps": [
      "stampId": "450CEE46-4E66-4C37-A095-5C3D7B661A23",
      "stampValue": "GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G",
      "stampState": "ACTIVE",
      "awardStamps": 0,
      "rewardId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E",
      "stampEventType": "REDEEM"

End user removes a digital stamp card

Client retrieves list of skins configured in the backend.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/removeCard

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
cardInstanceId String Required Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"cardInstanceId":"0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481"}’


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0

Add multiple stamp events in end user’s stamp card instance

End user collects multiple stamps on his/her stamp card instance.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/reportMultiStampEvents

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
events double Required List of event
Parameters Type Required Note
cardInstanceId String Optional Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481
eventId String Required Unique identifier of the event defined by the client for the server to distinguish the request and return the result e.g. eventId0321-011, 1, etc.
eventTime Date Required Date and time that the event occurs.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
eventType String Required Type of the event. Possible values are
rewardInstanceId String Required Unique identifier of the reward to be earned by this event.
stampValue String Required A code to explicitly validate the reward redemption. e.g. GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{
"events": [


Returns result of each event request. In the below example, the first event earned the reward so that reward object is also returned
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "eventResults": [
      "result": {
        "code": 0
      "eventId": "1",
      "cardInstance": {
        "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
        "stampCardId": "0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB",
        "currentStamps": 1,
        "totalStamps": 0,
        "issueDate": "2019-03-14T14:19:04.141+0000",
        "updateTime": "2019-03-14T17:37:37.149+0000",
        "expirationDate": "2030-03-14T03:59:59.000+0000",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "rewards": []
      "rewards": [
          "rewardInstanceId": "71584867-2b99-4d76-b628-dbb8526f66b7",
          "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
          "reward": {
            "rewardId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E",
            "walletId": "JANUS",
            "serviceId": "10520",
            "name": "Test stamp reward 0301-01",
            "threshold": 5,
            "imageUrl": "",
            "rewardMessage": "reward message test",
            "rewardDescription": "reward description"
          "status": "ACTIVE",
          "rewardedTime": "2019-03-14T17:37:37.103+0000",
          "rewardExpirationDate": "2019-04-13T17:37:37.103+0000"
      "result": {
        "code": 0
      "eventId": "2",
      "cardInstance": {
        "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
        "stampCardId": "0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB",
        "currentStamps": 1,
        "totalStamps": 0,
        "issueDate": "2019-03-14T14:19:04.141+0000",
        "updateTime": "2019-03-14T17:37:37.149+0000",
        "expirationDate": "2030-03-14T03:59:59.000+0000",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "rewards": []
      "rewards": []
  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "eventResults": [
      "result": {
        "code": 33003,
        "message": "stamp.multiple.stamp.attempt"
      "eventId": "1"
      "result": {
        "code": 0
      "eventId": "2",
      "cardInstance": {
        "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
        "stampCardId": "0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB",
        "currentStamps": 4,
        "totalStamps": 0,
        "issueDate": "2019-03-14T14:19:04.141+0000",
        "updateTime": "2019-03-14T17:46:44.173+0000",
        "expirationDate": "2030-03-14T03:59:59.000+0000",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "rewards": [
            "rewardInstanceId": "71584867-2b99-4d76-b628-dbb8526f66b7",
            "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
            "reward": {
              "rewardId": "68B3D3E6-E681-482D-9797-89D517DDA94E",
              "walletId": "JANUS",
              "serviceId": "10520",
              "name": "Test stamp reward 0301-01",
              "threshold": 5,
              "imageUrl": "",
              "rewardMessage": "reward message test",
              "rewardDescription": "reward description"
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "rewardedTime": "2019-03-14T17:37:37.103+0000",
            "rewardExpirationDate": "2019-04-13T17:37:37.103+0000"
      "rewards": []
  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "eventResults": [
      "result": {
        "code": 33003,
        "message": "stamp.multiple.stamp.attempt"
      "eventId": "1"
      "result": {
        "code": 33003,
        "message": "stamp.multiple.stamp.attempt"
      "eventId": "2"

Add a stamp event in end user’s stamp card instance

End user collects a stamp on his/her stamp card instance.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/reportStampEvent

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
cardInstanceId String Optional Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481
eventTime Date Required Date and time that the event occurs.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996 <br>MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
eventType String Required Type of the event. Possible values are
rewardInstanceId String Required Unique identifier of the reward to be earned by this event.
stampValue String Required A code to explicitly validate the reward redemption. e.g. GZ23-A457-Z50-E56X-O23G

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "cardInstance": {
    "cardInstanceId": "3ab8fd17-2fb5-468c-9079-dfb887aacc54",
    "stampCardId": "0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB",
    "currentStamps": 1,
    "totalStamps": 0,
    "issueDate": "2019-03-14T14:19:04.141+0000",
    "updateTime": "2019-03-14T14:38:14.570+0000",
    "expirationDate": "2030-03-14T03:59:59.000+0000",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "rewards": []
  "rewards": []

Updates display sequence of stamp cards

End user defines the display sequence of stamp cards in his/her wallet.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/updateCardSequences

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
updateCardSeqList String[] Required Unique identifier for the offer service.
Child attribute
cardInstanceId String Required Unique identifier of the end user’s stamp card instance. e.g. 0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481
sequence int Required Card display sequence

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"updateCardSeqList": [
       {"cardInstanceId":"4cd8ef60-719a-43bf-8d91-6c8d4be24a2d","sequence": 2},
       {"cardInstanceId":"0131cef8-56e1-461a-b82b-7e220b925481","sequence": 1 }
] }’


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0