Get started with the KYC API

In an increasingly global economy, financial institutions are more vulnerable to illicit criminal activities. Know Your Customer (KYC) standards are designed to protect financial institutions against fraud, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing.

KYC involves several steps to:

  • Establish customer identity
  • Understand the nature of customers, activities and qualify that the source of funds is legitimate
  • Assess money laundering risks associated with customers

Starting client validation process

In our system there are 3 basic steps to complete KYC flow for a customer, the first step that we need to do is getUserStatus, this allows us to know if the user is alredy in a kyc procces or if does not have any started kyc proccess yet.

To get a complete URL, concatenate the API host address (URL) and the endpoint of the API in the specification. For example, to login using the OAuth based service:

Host Path /auth/oauth/token

1. Get user Status

Consumer needs to performs the following steps:

  • The Consumer must first register using the Self Register API.
  • Once registered, the Consumer authenticates using the Get Token API.
  • The Consumer call the Get user status API.

HTTP Headers

Url: kyc-ms/getUserInfo

tenantName : Tenant used to identify

api-key : An APP key used to identify the client and authenticate the request

Authorization : Bearer token of the user that is going to get the KYC


User Status

  • 1. NOT_REGISTERED. User has not started any KYC process yet.
  • 2. LV1. User started the process but still are missing steps.
  • 3. PENDING. User submitted the documentation and is in review process.
  • 4. REJECTED. User risk is high or fraudulent.
  • 5. APPROVED_VERIFIED. User is verified and accepted.
  • 6. NEED_RESUBMIT.User needs to resubmit the documentation, user have 3 attempts, if all attempts failed so user will be REJECTED and needs to contact support.

2. Get Token

This api returns the token needed to initialize the iOS and Android Sdks.

  • Url: kyc-ms/getToken
  • TenantName : Tenant used to identify
  • api-key : An APP key used to identify the client and authenticate the request
  • Authorization : Bearer token of the user that is going to get the KYC
  • deviceId : Id of the mobile device. Not required

3. Register User

After submit all the required documents and finish the steps on the Sdks (iOS / Android) you will receive 2 id’s needed for us to tracking the verification progress. Those values are accountId and workflowId

  • Url: kyc-ms/registerUser
  • TenantName : Tenant used to identify
  • api-key : An APP key used to identify the client and authenticate the request
  • Authorization : Bearer token of the user that is going to get the KYC
  • accountId : Client account on KYC. received from sdk response
  • workflowId : ClientWorkflow id on KYC. received from sdk response

Here you have the postman collection for your easier integration.