Offer service uses conventional HTTP response codes as well as internal error to indicate the error detail.
HTTP Status code summary
Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Used for both success and internal failure. For internal failure result code will be different from 0. Check the error mapping table for detail. |
400 | Bad Request | The request was unacceptable. |
401 | Unauthorized | No valid API Key provided No valid authorization provided |
404 | Not found | The requested resource doesn’t exist |
500, 502 | Server Errors | Something went wrong on the Fintiv backend. |
If the offer service fails to process your request, it returns an internal error code which details the reason of error so you can handle error more efficiently by reading the error code. Error code varies and full list of errors are found here.
HTTP status code
Example body response message
"result": {
"code": 100,
"message": "couponId : may not be empty"
"result": {
"code": 100,
"message": "couponIdList : may not be empty"
"couponInstanceId": null,
"couponInstances": null
Error codes
Code | Meaning |
101 | Warning: Internal Error. |
1002 | Empty mobileId |
1003 | There’s NO matched mobileId |
1023 | Wallet is locked for security reason. You will need to go through PIN retrieval process. Do you want to proceed? |
1024 | Device is locked. Please contact the administrator. |
1025 | The User is Suspended. |
1026 | The User is Terminated. |
1005 | Missing request step for login |
1007 | Error happened during parsing messages |
1008 | Authentication Fail |
1011 | Invalid Email Address. Please check and try again. |
1012 | You entered wrong passwords at {0} times now. Your account will be locked after {1} attempts. |
1013 | Invalid PIN. Please check and try again. [Attempt {0} of {1}]. |
1014 | Warning: PIN locked. Please reset your PIN |
1015 | The Wallet is not activated. |
1016 | Not supported authentication. |
1020 | Session expired. Please re-login. |
1022 | Username or Password shouldn’t be null. |
2044 | Invalid Session. Please restart the application. |
1027 | Session expired. Please re-login. |
1098 | Warning: Server busy, unable to process task |
2006 | Mobile UID ({0}) is not registered. |
2007 | Warning: User {0} is already registered. |
2008 | Warning: User {0} is not registered for this device. |
2009 | Username({0}) is NOT matched with the registered username. |
2010 | Invalid answer to security question. |
2011 | Warning: Exceeded security answer attempt limit. |
2012 | PIN is already enabled or disabled. |
2028 | No such wallet exist. |
2031 | No such service exist. |
2032 | {} service is not activated. |
2033 | The service is already subscribed: ({0}) |
2035 | The service is not subscribed: ({0}) |
2034 | No such provider exist : ({0}) |
2036 | The customer({0}) is not registered. |
2037 | No such service version({0}) exist. |
2045 | Invalid SIM. Please contact the administrator. |
2043 | This request has been missed requested step({0}). |
2048 | Not eligible function call. |
1201 | Invalid username or password |
1202 | Invalid merchant status |
1203 | No permission |
6018 | Invalid transaction amount. |
2005 | The operation not support the type of ({0}). |
7001 | Invalid Coupon. |
7002 | The coupons is already saved. |
7003 | The coupon is already redeemed. |
7004 | The coupon is deleted. |
7005 | The coupon is expired. |
2046 | Warning: Wallet service provider is suspended. |
2047 | Warning: Wallet service provider is terminated. |
8001 | No such prepaid catalog exist. |
8002 | Invalid giftcard. |
8003 | Invalid giftcard status. |
8004 | The giftcard is already added. |
8005 | The giftcard sendtype does not match for this operation. |
20001 | The individual message file doesn’t exist. |
20002 | The individual message file format is invalid. |
20003 | Cannot read or write the individual message file. |
20004 | The machine is busy to parse other individual message files thus cannot parse current individual message file now. Please try it again later. |
20005 | Cannot parse the individual message file. |
20006 | Cannot create a new schedule due to unknown issues. |
20007 | Cannot delete existing schedule due to unknown issues. |
20008 | Cannot update a inbox message because there is no matched inbox message or the inbox message is not PENDING status. |
20009 | Cannot delete a inbox message because the inbox message is SENDING status or no inbox message. |
20010 | Invalid message id. |
21001 | Cannot create a new schedule due to unknown issues. |
21002 | Cannot delete existing schedule due to unknown issues. |
30001 | We have updated our Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully before accepting. |
32001 | Failed to accept terms |
32002 | Failed to get faq |
32004 | Failed to register wallet to the service |
32005 | Failed to unregister wallet to the service |
32020 | Invalid coupon code |
32021 | Invalid coupon instance id |
31001 | Cannot share a coupon because there is no coupon. |
31002 | The coupon is not valid to add it to “My Coupon”. (Coupon ID: {0}) |
32000 | Coupon service internal error |
32006 | Failed to refresh token |
32007 | Invalid access. The combination of user name and Password is not known to the system. |
32008 | Failed to login to coupon service |
32009 | Failed to get catalogs |
32010 | Failed to get locations |
32011 | Failed to get my coupons |
32012 | Failed to add my coupons |
32013 | Reached Maximum. Coupon can not be added. |
32014 | Failed to remove my coupons |
32015 | Failed to get redemption codes |
32016 | Failed to activate coupons |
32017 | Maximum number of active coupons already been reached. The coupon remains as ’ inactive ’ in your wallet. |
32018 | Failed to deactivate coupons |
32019 | Failed to get coupon detail information |
33001 | Invalid Stamp ID or Value |
33002 | Exceed Stamp Limit |
33003 | Multiple Stamp Attempt |
33100 | Expired Reward |
33004 | Invalid value to get a stamp. Please try another one |
33005 | Invalid value to redeem a reward. Please try another one |
44001 | The encrypted data is invalid |
44002 | The msisdn is duplicated on this device |
44003 | The device id is invalid |
40001 | Failed to connect to the external system |
41001 | Failed to verify the customer id&v |
41002 | Failed to send otp after id&v success |
41003 | Customer already has the card |
41004 | The payment service is not exist |
42001 | Failed to change customer pin |
42002 | Failed to change customer msisdn |
43001 | The wallet id [{0}] does not exist. |
43002 | The new state code [{0}] is invalid. |
43003 | The payment card of sir [{0}] does not exist. |
43004 | The current state of card is ‘TERMINATED’ so the card state could not be changed to new state [{0}]. |
43005 | The current status of card is same with new state [{0}]. |
43006 | The parameter [{0}] should not be null. |
43007 | The pushTo [{0}] is not supported. |
60001 | SMS system error |
60002 | Failed to send SMS |
61001 | OTP retry count is over |
61002 | Transaction id is not exist |
61003 | OTP is invalid |
61004 | OTP expiry time is over |
45001 | Skin not found |