

Message object

Attribute Description
messageId Unique identifier of the inbox message. e.g. 0616DE94-DED7-4D51-B766-2203296654FB
title Subject of the inbox message. e.g. Burger King Alpharetta
inboxMessage Message content
cretDtim Date and time that the message was created.
Format is yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SZ
e.g. “2019-02-08T14:23:35.443-0500”
yyyy: Year, e.g. 1996
MM: Month in year, e.g. 07
dd: day in month, e.g. 10
HH:hour in day(0-23), e.g.0
mm:Minute in hour, e.g. 30
ss: Second in minute, e.g. 50
S: Millisecond in the minute, e.g. 443
Z: Timezone offset in hours(RFC 822 pattern), e.g. -0800
readYn Whether the end user read the message. Possible values
- Y: message status is ‘READ’
- N: message status is ‘UNREAD’
messageUrl URL which may have more information about the message.
messageType Type of message. Possible values are


Retrieve list of inbox messages

Retrieve list of inbox messages. If the end user not opt in the marketing message, no marketing messages will be returned.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST /{version}/getInboxMessageList

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
lastMessageId String Optional Returns message created after this message ID.
messageType String Optional Type of message. Possible values are SERVICE and MARKETING.
maxResults int optional Maximum number of data to be returned. Along with skipRows, you can use this for pagination. e.g. 5 returns up to 5 coupons.
skipRows int optional Starting row of data in the list being requested. For example, 2 is set, the first two rows will be skipped. Along with maxRows, you can use this for pagination.

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{}"


Returns list of messages.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "inboxMessage": [
      "messageId": "7732",
      "title": "inbox message title",
      "inboxMessage": "inbox message content",
      "cretDtim": "2019-03-18T13:39:12.000+0000",
      "readYn": "N",
      "messageUrl": "",
      "messageType": "SERVICE"
  "unreadCount": 1

Retrieve inbox message detail

Supply the message ID obtained in the previous request and retrieve its message detail


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST / inbox/{version}/getInboxMessage

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
messageId String Required Unique identifier of the message. e.g. 5636

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"messageId":"7732"}’


Returns inbox object.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0
  "inboxMessage": {
    "messageId": "7732",
    "title": "inbox message title",
    "inboxMessage": "inbox message content",
    "cretDtim": "2019-03-18T13:39:12.000+0000",
    "readYn": "N",
    "messageUrl": "",
    "messageType": "SERVICE"

Marking the inbox message ‘READ’

Supply the list of inbox message IDs obtained in the previous request and update their status to “read” and their read date and time.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST / inbox/{version}/updateInboxMessageStatus

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
messageIdList String[] Required List of message IDs to be updated. e.g. [“1000”,“7732”]

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"messageIdList":["1000","7732"]}’


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0

Delete inbox messages

Supply the list of inbox message IDs obtained in the previous request and deletes the message.


Client logged in the service. Refer the section for registration/authentication.


HTTP Method / URL
POST / inbox/{version}/deleteInboxMessage

Body parameters

Parameters Type Required Note
messageIdList String[] Required List of message IDs to be updated. e.g. [“1000”,“7732”]

Example request

curl -X POST ""
-H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
-H "api-key: <insert your APP Key here>"
-H "authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer token here>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d ‘{"messageIdList":["94","7732"]}’


Returns result of the request.
Example response

  "result": {
    "code": 0