
public protocol StampReaderViewControllerDelegate : class

Delegate for Fintiv StampReaderViewController


func didCompleteScan(_ controller : FTMCStampReaderViewController, forEventType event: FTMCStampEventType, result : FTMCResult<FTMCStampCard,FintivError>, reward: FTMCRewardInstance?)

Called on the optional StampReaderViewController delegate when it succefully scans a stamp or reward instance’s QR code

  • Parameters:
    • controller: the StampReaderViewController
    • event: The FTMCStampEventType case of the controller (stamp vs reward scan)
    • result: The fintiv result with .success(updated StampCard), or .failure(NetworkError)
    • reward: The updated reward instance if event == .redeem


Name Description
controller the StampReaderViewController
event The FTMCStampEventType case of the controller (stamp vs reward scan)
result The fintiv result with .success(updated StampCard), or .failure(NetworkError)
reward The updated reward instance if event == .redeem
func didCancelScan(_ controller : FTMCStampReaderViewController)

Called on the optional StampReaderViewController delegate when the user cancels the controller’s scan action

  • Parameter controller: the controller instance, the delegate is responsible for presenting / dismissing the controller


Name Description
controller the controller instance, the delegate is responsible for presenting / dismissing the controller